From a Surveyor to National CORS Owner – A successful case from Uganda of how to build your CORSIn the early 2016, no well-established and nationwide CORS serving for surveyors was completed in Uganda. David Mulindwa, a sophisticated surveyor and a loyal user of ComNav Technology products, conceived a blueprint to build a CORS that covers the entire Uganda.LEARN MORE
Viewing Technical Development from ComNav Technology T series to N series GNSS ReceiverComNav Technology has introduced 5 T series and N series GNSS receivers respectively since 2012. In this article we'll tell you the differences between ComNav Technology's T series and N series receiver.LEARN MORE
How to Map A Historic Building —— An Exemplary Case with T30 IMU in AzerbaijanOne of our users from Azerbaijan applied T30 IMU GNSS receiver in a historic building restoration project to complete the preliminary mapping work, representing practical significance for historic building protection.LEARN MORE
A Successful RTK UAV Mapping Project with DJI Phantom 4 RTK and SinoGNSS T300 PlusAn excellent solution combining of Phantom 4 RTK (hereinafter referred to as P4R) and T300 Plus GNSS receiver is proposed with no image control points, short-time field work and labor-saving.LEARN MORE
K8 Series GNSS OEM Module Test Report - ComNav TechnologyIn order to verify K8's performance, the R&D team of ComNav Technology conducted a contrastive field test by examining K8 series OEM modules and other three manufactures in different environments.LEARN MORE