FULL GNSS CONSTELLATION TRACKING496 channels tracking all current constellations and firmware upgradable to track satellite signals of upcoming constellations
LINUX OSBuilt-in Linus OS ensures the M300Pro long-term stable operation, which is customizable for your special requirements
POWERFUL BUILT-IN WEBSERVERThe powerful built-in webserver provides a full remote control of receiver configuration, status checking, firmware update, data download and user management
RUGGED DESIGNDesigned with IP67 Dust & Water proof protection and survive from 1m drop onto the concrete. Its working temperature ranges from -40℃ to +80℃
EARLY WARNINGEarly warning, such as battery low, external power break, FTP Push Failed, Code expired, helps you to deal with problems in advance
ABUNDANT INTERFACESAbundant interfaces for external devices connection and data transmis-sion that substantially increase your work efficiency and flexibility
FLEXIBLE DATA MANAGEMENTThe M300 Pro supports three independent static data recording, combined with large storage capacity, loop recording function and FTP push, which truly improves the effectiveness and profitability of your work
STABLE NETWORK CONNECTIONBesides the standard Ethernet port for data transmitting, M300 Pro also fully implements a 4G module as a backup, which can enhance the stability of the network connection
DDNSDynamic Domain Name Server allows you to remote control the M300 Pro through dynamic domain name without a static IP, which is more cost-effective for your applications
STANDARD COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLSEnsure easy configuration through HTTP protocol, or TCP/IP, support five independent data transfer through TCP protocol in RTCM, ComNav binary, NMEA, BINEX data formats, and NTRIP protocol, especially NtripCaster as a single base
USER MANAGEMENTIt supports different-level user permis-sion access, which helps you ease of user management
LARGE CAPACITY MEMORYDefault 32GB internal memory meets your data logging requirement in a wide range of industrial applications. It also supports up to 1TB removable storage


FOR THE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORStable Continuous Service; Integrity Monitoring at Real Time; Up to 5000 User Account Distribution; System Reliability with Powerful Processing Engine
FOR THE ROVER USERSLess rover initialization time; Higher productivity; Increased coverage and availability; Consistent high-accuracy RTK service
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